Future Convergence Cultivating Practices of Collaboration for Social Change
Kategorija:Tarpkultūrinis mokymas
Publikacijos tipas:Skaitiniai
Tikslinė auditorija:Suaugusieji
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We all know that collaboration is vital for transformative social change. But how do we practice collaboration in these times? That is the question driving the publication "Future Convergence - the Forus Barefoot Guide". It is a practical resource intended for individuals and organizations who want to improve their learning processes and social change practices. This Barefoot Guide, written by thirty-one civil society leaders and practitioners from twenty countries from across the world, describes a range of practices and experiences that bring diverse people and organisations together towards a vision of a planet that is more equitable, inclusive, humane and sustainable. It is available in English, French and Spanish. A publication of Forus Contribution from Lithuanian NGDO Platform.
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